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What is Respiratory Physiotherapy?

Respiratory physiotherapy is a term used for physiotherapy treatments targeted towards issues of the lungs. There are many different causes, including chronic respiratory diseases, respiratory infections (e.g. pneumonia), post-surgery and acute trauma such as rib fractures.

Treatments are aimed to improve your lung health. These techniques may include specific breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm, percussion and autogenic drainage, positioning for airway inflation, airway clearance techniques, the use of assistive devices to maximise your breathing or secretion removal and home based management to improve your overall wellbeing.

When Do You Need Respiratory Physiotherapy?

Respiratory physiotherapy is useful for those conditions that increase sputum in the lungs, e.g. pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, asthma and emphysema, and for those conditions that cause ineffective breathing patterns, e.g.emphysema, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis and long Covid.

Why are Clear Lungs Important?

A build-up of sputum in your lungs affects the efficient transfer of oxygen from the air you breathe through your lung tissue which ultimately oxygenates your bloodstream. Clearing your lungs to enable sufficient oxygenation can not only be life-saving, but regular daily clearance can reduce the amount of coughing significantly which can be life changing for many.

Signs & Symptoms of a Respiratory Issue

People who suffer from respiratory diseases or are having difficulty breathing may experience:

  • Shortness of breath unrelated to fitness levels
  • fatigue
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • A feeling of inability to get enough air into your lungs
  • Wet cough
  • Difficulty clearing airways
  • Minimal to no expansion of the lower ribs.
  • Balance issues